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Apartment Building


COVID-19/Coronavirus Government emergency law - Directors excused from insolvent trading

Writer: John MerloJohn Merlo

Updated: Jan 31

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Under the Corporation Act 2001, directors are personally liable if a company trades while insolvent.

Ordinarily board of directors under pressure ought to enter into an insolvency process if there is any risk that the company will experience periods where it will be trading while insolvent.

To buy confidence, and assist companies to have confidence to continue to trade through the Coronavirus health crisis with the aim of returning to the black when the crisis has passed, directors are to be temporarily relieved of their duty to avoid insolvent trading with respect to any debts incurred in the course of the company’s business. 

These ‘pardon’ will relieve a director from personal liability that would otherwise be associated with insolvent trading. The emergency pardon will apply for six months at this stage.

Cases of dishonesty and fraud will still be subject to the usual criminal penalties.

Important note about insolvent trading

Any debts incurred by a company will still be payable by the company. This is not a moratorium on debt simply a moratorium on the finding of insolvent trading.

What should you do?

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