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Apartment Building


No second chances - the law has changed in relation to Security of Payment and payment schedules

Updated: Jan 9

The Queensland Government has passed further amendments to the Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act 2017 (Qld) (BIF Act).

The BIF Act provides sweeping changes to existing construction legislation in Queensland.

BE WARNED - No second chances. Under the new law a disputed payment claim may be immediately enforced in a Court when no valid payment schedule has been provided in response to it.

Claimants will not need to provide respondents with prior notice and a second chance to provide a payment schedule as under the 2004 BCIPA as amended in 2014.

All possible times at which payment claims may be served should be identified and checked regularly.

Call Merlo Law today to understand these and other wide sweeping and serious changes to the law governing Construction – before its to late for your project or business.


This publication considers legal and technical issues in a general way. It is not intended to be legal advice. Any legal advice is qualified on the basis that the reader should immediately confirm the information relied upon with Merlo Law. We look forward to being of assistance.


Urban Building

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